■ Introduction
It is not unusual for a work
of art (paintings)
or antique to become extraordinarily
in a future age. The impressionist
and porcelains of the Lee dynasty
are a readily
observable example of this phenomenon.

Old Noritake is another such example. Art
critic Mr. Unno beautifully describes the
sudden 're-emergence' of Old Noritake Art
Deco as a 'rediscovery'. It is just a matter
of time before we see Old Noritake Art Deco
take on a higher profile and increased recognition
in Japanese and American art and design.
Recently, art museums that collect porcelains
have re-oriented their focus toward modern
Japanese pottery. They have begun collecting
this fine porcelain ware, despite their financial
hardships. We think the increased value of
wares from a previous age, coupled with the
new directions that are now being emphasized
in art museums are the reasons behind the
rapid increase in the demand for Old Noritake,
while many other areas are in depression.
This renewed interest in Noritake explains
the numerous exhibitions that are being held
in department stores etc. throughout Japan.
However, many of these exhibitions focus
on marketing, and we rarely see exhibitions
that present the true charm of the authentic
Old Noritake genre.
On this Internet site, we aim to present
the entire picture of Old Noritake so that
more people can appreciate and deepen their
knowledge of this enchanting style. This
has not been achieved in exhibitions or on
other Internet sites.
■ About this Site
One of the aims of this site
is to present
Old Noritake by allowing a number
of general
collectors to exhibit their own
items. Such
a collection is unprecedented.
We hope many
collectors support this idea
and contribute
to this gallery in order to make
it attractive
and global.
This site divides Old Noritake into two categories:
Art Deco and Art Nouveau(Nippon). In addition
to these categories, we have established
an independent section for Cup and Saucer,
which is the best-known form of Old Noritake.
We have also presented other porcelains such
as Coralene, Hyochien and Harumitsu under
the heading of 'Old Noritake and Others'.
In Collector's Plaza, we have set up a 'communication'
for collectors to exchange information. The
Plaza also provides information on books.
We would like to continuously present new
arrivals. Your participation will be highly
appreciated. We hope that you are as excited
about our new site as we are.
■ Collection
Collecting is a very common hobby, and people's
sense of values is very diverse. These days,
a seemingly limitless variety of items are
considered collectable. Any collectable may
be highly valued if it is widely appreciated.
Nonetheless, there are criteria for collectables
to gain mainstream acceptance. For example,
there must be a wide variety of different
types of items within the field. If you are
collecting a popular type of item, you can
always find something new, even though you
may already have an extensive collection.
Other criteria include:
(1) Items must be able to be exhibited and
readily observable.
(2) Items must be able to be bought and sold,
and domestic and/or international markets
must exist for those items.
(3) A limited quantity of items must have
been produced within a limited period.
If the items meet the above criteria, they
will be appropriate for collecting. Old Noritake
satisfies these criteria well. However, they
do have one disadvantage; they can be broken.
The current trend in the world today is toward
digitalization. Handmade products provide
an antidote to digitalization and it is therefore
quite understandable that the value of handmade
products is increasing.
■ Classification
It is not easy to categorize Old Noritake
because it is so diverse. Furthermore, the
Old Noritake genre encompasses a wide variety
of production techniques; thus making classification
quite difficult.
On this web site, we have classified the
Art Deco pieces primarily in terms of their
use and form (see the chapter on Art Deco).
We have classified the Art Nouveau pieces
in terms of their production technique, as
well as their use and form (see the chapter
on Art Nouveau).
Old Noritake is usually divided into two
styles: Art Deco and Art Nouveau, which was
produced during the 1920s and 1930s. However,
it is also possible to categorize Old Noritake
in terms of type (dinnerware or fancyware)
or market (marketed domestically or exported).
In reality, however, the subjects are fancyware
in many cases, and fancyware was exported.
The fancyware that is currently in Japan
has been brought back from foreign countries.
The domestic-use products are generally inferior
to the exported products in terms of production
techniques, decoration and color - the exception
being some pieces produced specifically for
exhibition. This situation is quite understandable.
The superior quality ware was exported in
order to bring in foreign currency. Domestic-use
products have therefore been excluded from
this homepage, except for some of the finer
quality products.
Please have a look at the plate
on the right.

This plate can be classified as a 'portrait'
that uses the transfer technique, and further
classified as 'gold impaste' or 'cobalt'.
Of course, it could be classified as 'plate'
in accordance with its use and form. (It
could also be classified in terms of the
name of the subject, such as Queen Louise
or Madame Recamier.)
On this web site, this plate appears in three
sections: 'portrait', 'cobalt' and 'plate'.
This is an example of an item that is listed
in multiple sections.